Our group is focused on advancing medical image processing and reconstruction techniques to support image-guided radiotherapy. Over the years, we have developed innovative algorithms for high-quality quantitative image reconstruction in various imaging problems, such as computed tomography (CT), cone beam CT (CBCT), 4D CBCT, spectral CT, and diffusion MRI, to derive clinically valuable information for informed decision making. We have been pioneering in leveraging graphical processing units (GPUs) for enhanced medical image processing efficiency.

Funding Support:
- “Real time scattered x-ray imaging for tumor motion tracking in radiotherapy.” NIH/NCI R01CA285379, 06/2024 – 05/2029.
- “Precise image guidance for liver cancer stereotactic body radiotherapy using element-resolved motion-compensated cone beam CT.” NIH/NCI R01CA227289, 03/2018 – 02/2024.
- “Explore random sampling for dose reduction and scatter removal in cone beam CT.” NIH/NIBIB R21EB021545, 06/2016 – 05/2019.
- “4D cone beam CT reconstruction for radiotherapy via motion vector optimization” NIH/NIBIB R21EB017978, 09/2014 – 08/2016.
- “A progressive cone-beam CT dose control scheme for image-guided radiation therapy” NIH/NCI R21CA178787, 07/2014 – 06/2016.